Analysis of the evolution of the nature and character of war




Estrategia, pensamiento estratégico, geoestrategia, geopolítico, revolución tecnológica


This study examines the evolution of the nature and character of war, arguing that while its fundamental nature, as a confrontation of wills, remains unchanged, its character has significantly shifted due to geostrategic, technological, and strategic thinker influences. Through literature reviews, analysis of historical documents, and evaluation of trends in armed conflicts, it is observed how the interplay of technology, globalization, and geopolitical dynamics are redefining the war paradigm. Historically, transformations in the conduct of conflicts have been recorded, but recently, with war becoming more destructive and complex, efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts peacefully have intensified. The evaluation considers key aspects such as the technological impact on modern warfare, globalization, and geopolitical challenges, projecting how war might evolve in the future.


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2024-06-27 — Updated on 2024-06-27

How to Cite

Serrudo Sánchez, D. (2024). Analysis of the evolution of the nature and character of war. Scientific Journal of the Army War College, 3(1), 6-16.